If there was one thing I will miss from school during this
year is back to school shopping. The truth is that I just love shopping (like
who doesn’t?), but there is something about shopping for school supplies that
just makes me feel like I am ready to take on the next year and be productive.
I do tend to go overboard, like when I first moved to Florida I think I got
every binder that I liked, two pencil cases, about three sets of pens, and the
list goes on. And while there are some things that I could probably live
without there are some things that are necessary for school survival. With
school inching closer day by day and summer coming to an end I have decided to
tell you guys about my school must haves.

My first essential for school is something to drink, there is just something so weird about the school’s water fountains that gross me out (probably the fact that last year someone got the stomach flu from drinking from the water fountain at my school), but water is still a necessity. So the next option, the one I prefer, is bringing your own cups and drinks. What I usually bring is either my Olaf tumbler cup that I got at Disney world or a little glass cup that I got at target with either water or iced coffee. This cups are great for any cold drink that you could think of, and look super cute! live in Florida so I need to have cold drinks or I would probably die from heat stroke, plus in my opinion cold drinks are more likely to keep you up than hot ones.

My first essential for school is something to drink, there is just something so weird about the school’s water fountains that gross me out (probably the fact that last year someone got the stomach flu from drinking from the water fountain at my school), but water is still a necessity. So the next option, the one I prefer, is bringing your own cups and drinks. What I usually bring is either my Olaf tumbler cup that I got at Disney world or a little glass cup that I got at target with either water or iced coffee. This cups are great for any cold drink that you could think of, and look super cute! live in Florida so I need to have cold drinks or I would probably die from heat stroke, plus in my opinion cold drinks are more likely to keep you up than hot ones.

My next must have is a planner.
Now, if you have read my top 10 things about me post you probably know I am all
about planners and planning and when I mentioned it on that post I wrote a
whole paragraph on how great they are and they truly are great. My mind is not
a very organized place, I tend to have a million things going on up there, and
thus tend to forget little details like deadlines and special projects. Like
three years ago I had this huge math project that was assigned on the first day
of the quarter but it wasn’t due until one week before the quarter ended. As
soon as the project was assigned I started getting ideas of how I wanted to do
it, I divided the work between the amount of days I had, I kept mental motes on
everything I could do to make it great and get extra credit; but I made one
terrible mistake, I didn’t write one thing down. Days went by, I got more assignments,
I out my mid into other stuff, and when I finally remembered my math project I only
had two days before it was due. I tried to scramble the work together and turned
that terrible project in, I knew I had all the potential and ideas to get an A
but I ended getting a D and it was all because I forgot about it. If there
wasone lesson I learned from that class was to always write down what I really
want to get done. If you have ever experienced that situation or you feel like
you tend to always have too much going on some days and nothing on others it
could be because you need more structure or order on your days, a planner is one
way to help you do that. The great thing about planners is that there is a variety
of options to choose there are cheap $3 planners and there are expensive $100
planners, there are horizontal layouts and vertical layouts, there are some
that have morning day night structures and others that are hourly, basically
there is one planner out there that will work just for you. Now, if you are
willing to spend between $30-$50 on a planner I suggest Plum Paper Designs, PPD
is an etsy store that sells totally customizable planners and you truly get what
you pay for.
Another must have is a little
makeup bag to keep all my essentials. On it I usually keep my EOS lip balm, a
lip gloss, hand sanitizer, deodorant, some gum, a couple hair bands, some Midol,
and my girl products (if you know what I mean). I used to take the bus during high
school, and the bus used to pick me up at about 6:30 so I was typically running
out of my house to catch the bus so carrying the “essentials” assured that I would
always look somewhat presentable while in school.
My next must have is notebooks and wrapping paper. I have
never been someone to pay too much for anything (unless it’s worth it) so when It
comes to a place for taking notes for school I usually go to the dollar store
and get their notebooks. But I am also someone that will want to use something
the cuter or nicer it looks so I am more likely to actually take notes if I like
the way my notebooks look. I found that an easy way to make you notebooks look
better is if you wrap them with cute wrapping paper. Michaels, target, and even
Walmart tend to have some cute paper. Trust me on this one, not only will your
notebooks look cute, but they will also be unique, because even if other people
decide to wrap theirs, they will probably do it with different paper.
My last school must have are cute
pens and pencils. I bet you have noticed by now but I tend to look for what I think
as “cute”, so please excuse my overuse of that word, I don’t mean to over use
it but when it comes to school supplies I do go for what looks most appealing. Anyways,
going back to pens, markers, and pencils. My favorite place to buy pens and
pencils is the target dollar spot, they change their styles frequently and always
have the cutest colors, but they to tend to brake easily and they are not the
best quality. If you are looking for quality I would go towards sharpie pens or
papermate flairs, those are the best in the pen business and their color palettes
are huge!
So there you have it, I think I carried all of this during
most of my high school and will probably carry those in college too. But now that
I’ve told you my must haves why don’t you tell me yours? Let’s talk about it in
the comments! Im curious to know. Als stay tuned on Friday for another back to
school post, I am so excited about this time of the year. Can you tell? Haha.
Until next time! Pam.
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