1. My name is Pamela, which means sweet as honey. I used to
hate my name when I was little and would tell everyone that my name was Rachel
(I don’t know why I chose that name, I guess I liked it). But now I absolutely
love my name feel like it isn’t really a common name for people my age so it
makes me feel unique.
2. I was born in Guatemala (a little county in Central
America) and then move a couple of years ago to the US. I was a little sad when
I first moved because I missed my family and friends but it didn’t take long
for me to fall in love of my new home. I have made tons of friends and I love
how organized and clean the cities are where I live (that’s Florida if you’re
3. I Graduated from High School on May 2015 but
instead of going straight into college I am taking a year off to gain some
working experience and to grow both professionally and personally. I want to
get to know myself better and I mean who doesn’t like to earn money? So I’ll be
working for a year before e going into college. Making this decision was really
hard for me because I had to put everything in perspective and had to choose
what was best for me regardless of what everyone is doing. I feel like when you
at 18 there are many hard and life altering decisions thrown at us and so we
tend to choose what everyone does and we start “going with the flow” (who even
says that anymore?). But usually what works for some is not guaranteed to work
for everyone so if you are going through a tough decision, the only advice I
can give you is put everything in perspective, write it out and 
4. Once I’m in college I will study to become a journalist.
I LOVE to write, I LOVE telling stories, and I LOVE the world. I want to make a
change by shining a light on what is going on around our society but is not
really being talked about or is not given the importance it should. My love for
writing is also the thing that inspired me to create this blog, I love being
able to share my opinions, being able to pour my thoughts, and if in the way I entertain
or helps someone it is an added plus. Writing allows me to have a conversation
with someone anywhere and anytime as long as I have somewhere to write, it’s
kind of therapeutic if you think about it.
5. I am addicted to YouTube. It sounds horrible but it is absolutely
true, I would rather watch some videos that have to wait for a good TV show to
come up on my TV. I don’t know why but I feel like some days I just don’t have
30-60 minutes to spare to watch one episode of a show. But with you tube I get
content 24/7 everywhere as long as I have internet. YouTube has grown so much
over the last couple of years that now you can find series with episodes that
are 5-10 minutes long that are super entertaining. I totally recommend you that
if you ever need to relax for a couple of minutes while studying of while doing
something boring just put on a short video, there is great content out there
and its free! Just be careful because before you know it’s been 4 hours, you
are still on that “little break”, and you have reached that dark place on YouTube
where you are stuck watching a loop of a baby’s laugh or a how a dog drinks water
in slow motion.
6. I am a Christian, I love God and I love my church. There
is not much I can say on this matter, other than what I believe in doesn’t affect
how I talk or act toward people. I was raised and I believe that I have been
shown so much love by God and my family so in turn I try to show that same love
to everyone that surrounds me. Yes, I may not agree or approve of everything
that those around me do but that doesn’t mean I won’t talk or I will think less
of that person because in the end, if someone as flawed as me gets loved, why wouldn’t
those around me deserve to be loved too?
7. I am super indecisive! It is so hard for me to make a decision
that I even struggle with saying what my favorite something is. I once spent 25
minutes on a restaurant trying to choose something to eat! (It sounds so sad
and pathetic but it’s true :( I need help haha) do you struggle with making decisions
or choosing something? How do you deal with decisions? Do you have any tips? Let
me know in the comments, I really want to know, and I bet there are other
people who need help on this one too!
8. I am shy when I first meet people but once I warm up to
someone I become confident and its hard Yu shut me up. It’s really hard because
I will meet someone and I’ll be very awkward and shy and they’ll be like “hey
why are you not talking? What’s wrong?” when in reality there’s tons I want to
say but the words just don’t come out. I guess I want to make a good first impression
on people, and also because even though I am really chatty I am also a good
listener and I love knowing people on more than just their superficial selves
(sounds creepy and nosey but I find that if you know a lot about someone it is
easier to help them and make them happy and stuff like that). So by the time I open
up and become my talkative self I usually know enough details of that person to
know what I can and cannot tell them or what will entertain them and what won’t,
this is not always the case but it is most times.
9. This one is kind of weird, I love paper planner and
planning. A couple of month ago I found this “subculture” of planner people
that is growing on social media, I think I was on Instagram and saw a cute
picture of a planner and then I realized it was a whole fan page dedicated to
them and it had like 20 thousand followers and that not only blew my mind but
it made me think that I had found my long lost family. It sounds really weird
but ever since middle school I have liked making lists and filling out those
horrible planners they give you at school (even though most of the time I didn’t
complete my lists or didn’t do what I planned in my planners). Once I got into high
school I kept buying my planner and filling it up but it just became a place
where I wrote my homework and that was it, everything else I didn’t plan and my
life pretty much was chaos until I found the planner community. I got my Plum Paper
Planer form Plum Paper Designs and I started using it this month and so far it
has worked pretty well, as it has a monthly view and a daily view for each month
it has allowed me to become more organized. I am even using it to track when I
post here and to plan future blog post! Its great and I recommend you get a
planner if you feel like you’re life is just out of control. (I’ll probably
make some posts about my planner and the community in the future).
And last but not least….
10. I like listening to different types of music
depending on what I am doing. If I am just chilling in my room with nothing to
do I’ll put either pop or gospel/Christian. If I am on the car or I need to be
awake for something I’ll go with some rock, and if I have to study or write
something I’ll put some classical music. Right now as I write this post I am
listening to Brahms’s symphony no.4 in E minor on the Epic Classical playlist
in Spotify. Some of my favorite music apps are Spotify, Pandora, and the music
app on the iPhone.
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